The Other House

Andre Guimond Architects developed a single-family retreat in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains in Ulster County, New York. The house capitalizies on New York City’s nascent reorientation north, away from the carefully manicured lawns of the Hamptons, toward the wild, unspoilt possibilities of the Catskills and beyond. The house embodies our firm’s core values: a commitment to good, lasting design, an attention to materiality and craft, spatial clarity through an economy of ideas and forms, and sustainable, energy-efficient construction. It is designed to fill the unmet demand for modern, new-build upstate second homes that are within easy reach of the City.

Program: Housing
Location: Ulster County, NY
Team: Andre Guimond, Evan Erlebacher, Harry Lam
Status: Proposal
Year: 2018 - 2019